Шановні друзі.

Через брак часу ініціативу підхопили наші колеги з закордону.

Прошу підписувати листа до Президента Байдена, росповсюджувати інформацію:

Dear colleagues,

Hope this email finds you well.

President Zelensky from the Ukraine will be meeting with President Biden on the 30th August.

We are writing to appeal to President Biden to raise the case of the Ukrainian Pastor Mysyak, who the Ukraine authorities have falsely held responsible for the death of his grandparents and uncle. We are calling on President Biden to appeal to the Ukrainian President to drop all the charges and ensure the pastor’s right to a fair trial.

Linus Pfister with HMK, Hilfe für Mensch und Kirche in Switzerland, flagged the Pastor’s case at the IRF Roundtable in July.

[Amnesty International Report]: Report from 1998 describes the torture used by police officers towards Pastor Mysyak to extract a forced written confession and reported police involvement in trying to frame the murder on Pastor Mysyak.

[Fight for Life – Ukraine-based Advocacy Organization Working for a Judicial Review Procedure in the Ukraine] Report describes the miscarriage of justice and how the investigation focused on Pastor Mysyak’s signed confession under duress to prove guilt and ignored the evidence proving his innocence.

[Journal Chrètien] Article describes how the forensic investigation was tampered with.

Please find the first letter attached for your consideration. Tim Tremaine

As the Presidential visit approaches, I would appreciate if you could let me know by end of business August 24, 2021 if you or your organization are able to sign-on.

Please feel free to share the letter with interested organizations. The letter will be updated here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gdZVFmmxLCBTmDVdSOKE82dliBoZKoem/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=107418197294031044106&rtpof=true&sd=true

You can sign-on here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1mLU2I7VxvQycW_v85woop5h3zMjvyLsj_fCw_xGvlKUkag/viewform or by responding to this email.

Thank you!

Kind regards, Hulda

Hulda Fahmi

Communications Associate

9689-C Main Street

Fairfax, VA 22031

☎️ 1.703-503.2260

(Fax) 703.503.0792
