Oleksandr RafalskyOleksandr Rafalsky – on October 20, 2016 he died under mysterious circumstances, while Oleksandr was serving a sentence of life imprisonment in the Luk’yanovsky pre-trial detention center. Vyacheslav Baranovsky – this is another accused, for whose health we, human rights activists of Ukraine, are worried.
What, besides the death of Rafalsky, are there still reasons for concern? Olena Kharchenko – she is a witness, on whose testimony the charges against Rafalsky and Baranovsky were based, she also died under obscure circumstances.
Vladimir Kharchenko, another witness on whose testimony the charges against Rafalsky and Baranovsky are based, died unexpectedly. Stepan Chernyak – this is another witness who also died under mysterious circumstances.
In a short period, four people died, connected by a single criminal case, in which Oleksandr Rafalsiy and Vyacheslav Baranovsiy, which argue that they are not guilty of committing crimes they were charged with, for the alleged commission of which the court sentenced them to life imprisonment on false or forced testimony, which three suddenly dead witnesses: Olena and Vladimir Kharchenko, and Stepan Chernyak.